text_summary_list_utils module¶
Created on Fri Apr 17 16:19:43 2020
@author: alice
(data_groups)¶ Create a list of text summaries from a dataframe groupby object.
- Parameters
data_groups (Pandas.GroupBy) – groupby object with data grouped by time
- Returns
list of TextSummary objects for each bin
- Return type
text_summary_list (list of TextSummary)
(data_groups, names)¶ Same as create_list_of_summaries except divided by person - so one list per person packaged together in a big list.
- Parameters
data_groups (Pandas.GroupBy) – groupby object with data grouped by time
names (list of str) – names of senders
- Returns
[list of TextSummary objects for each bin]
- Return type
text_summary_list_of_lists (list)
(text_summary_list, attribute, key)¶ Get a list of a dictionary value in an attribute from a list of TextSummaries.
- Parameters
text_summary_list (list of TextSummary) – list of TextSummary objects
attribute (str) – string of the dictionary attribute name
key (str) – string of the dictionary key value to get
- Returns
list of the values assigned to key in attribute for each TextSummary
- Return type
attribute_list (list)
(summary_list)¶ Return a list of the things to plot given a list of textSummaries. Add new things to plot per bins here!
- Parameters
summary_list (list of TextSummary) –
- Returns
{key = title of the plot, value = list of the values}
- Return type
attribute_dict (dictionary of lists of ints/floats)
(summary_list, token_list)¶ Returns a dictionary of the list of occurrence of tokens for each TextSummary in a list of TextSummaries.
- Parameters
summary_list (list) – list of TextSummaries.
token_list (list) – list of tokens, strings, to search for.
- Returns
{“token”: [occurrence of token in each textSummary]}
- Return type
occurrence_dict (dict)